Welcome to/Bien Venidos A:

Ministerio Voz de Dios Iglesia Misionera Radio

Alcanzar la mayor cantidad de almas para Cristo atreves del Evangelio y las Sagradas Escrituras de Nuestro Señor Jesus para que sean restauradas por Dios y afirmadas por el Espiritu Santo. Poniendo la Palabra de Dios en práctica y predicándola con amor inefable, guiándola a toda persona a la fe, al arrepentimiento y mantenerse hasta el final en la Palabra de Dios para que pueda ser Salvo, instando a cada vida alcanzada hacerse discípulos de Jesús para que vivir una plena y completa; en la obediencia a Dios, sus mandamientos y su palabra.

Reach the greatest number of souls for Christ through the Gospel and the Holy Scriptures of Our Lord Jesus so that they may be restored by God and affirmed by the Holy Spirit. Putting the Word of God into practice and preaching it with ineffable love, guiding every person to faith, repentance, and remaining in the Word of God until the end so that they can be Saved, urging every tired life to become a disciple of Jesus so that live a full and complete life, in obedience to God, his commandments and his word.

Our Mission Statement/Nuestra declaración de Misión
Our Location/ Nuestra Dirección

We are located in a welcoming community, broadcasting Services through various platforms including radio and social media.

Estamos ubicados en una comunidad acogedora, transmitiendo Servicios a través de varias plataformas incluyendo radio y redes sociales. Facebook Life, YouTube, Roku Tv y Radio Local 1700am en Una pequeña  parte de Willimantic, CT EE.UU.


90 South Park St Unidad 42 Willimantic CT, O6226

Hours./ Horarios
martes y jueves 7:00pm
y Domingo 9:00am

The broadcasts bring peace and joy to our lives, connecting us with faith and community.

Maria Lopez

A table is set with a loaf of bread and slices on a plate, next to several plastic cups filled with red liquid. In the background, there is a dark setting with stained glass windows visible, suggesting a church or religious setting.
A table is set with a loaf of bread and slices on a plate, next to several plastic cups filled with red liquid. In the background, there is a dark setting with stained glass windows visible, suggesting a church or religious setting.
A church service or concert with a band performing on stage. The stage is illuminated with colorful lights and a prominent cross made of lights stands at the center. Musicians are playing instruments, including guitars and drums. The audience is seen sitting and standing, engaged with the performance.
A church service or concert with a band performing on stage. The stage is illuminated with colorful lights and a prominent cross made of lights stands at the center. Musicians are playing instruments, including guitars and drums. The audience is seen sitting and standing, engaged with the performance.
